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digestive disorders中文

用"digestive disorders"造句"digestive disorders" in a sentence"digestive disorders"怎麼讀


  • 消化不良


  • Apart from his stomach and digestive disorders , he gave
  • Apart from his stomach and digestive disorders , he gave . .
    除了他的胃口和消化不良, .
  • It assists in resolving and preventing health problems such as stress , fatigue , arthritis , anxiety , digestive disorders , heart and lung conditions
  • Nutripet is used for many types of disorders , such as rickets , osteomalacia , retarded growth , digestive disorder , hepatic insufficiency , dermatitis , lack of appetite etc . that derive from deficiencies of calcium , phosphorous , trace minerals and vitamins , reinforces the vitality , healthiness and improves coat condition
    育犬精- f是一個給貓和狗最好的多功能礦物質輔助品,它富含多種維他命肝精粉微量礦物質甲殼素蝦紅素- 1 , 3 -多醣體,酵母粉及高含量的鈣與磷
用"digestive disorders"造句  
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